Untitled 2021 - Current

Untitled 2021 - Current is a series of photographs set in the desert landscape of Hesperia California. The images focus on the development of the upcoming Modway Furniture distribution center. Nestled along the side of the I-15, the new settlement allows for a prime location to distribute throughout all of Southern California to the rest of the world. The photos serve as documentation of that landscape and the change that has and will continue to happen. A single warehouse, located in many of the photos, serves as a representation of the prodigious flattened landscape that has changed the high desert. Images that focus on the warehouse show the viewer their minimal size compared to the warehouse by using items such as trucks and signs. Stepping back to the borders of the altered landscape, the warehouse becomes consumed as an object that is minuscule to the land it has been built on. Indigenous plant life in the desert space has been removed from the landscape, representing the community of the high desert and the goals of the local government that continue to embrace the displacement of its struggling citizens.